Saturday, April 10, 2010


So this is the town that i will be leaving in as of Monday!  It's a small town 4 km from the beach north of Valpo.  Here are some pictures of my town i found online and a map showing where it is located.  We leave on Monday at 6am! AH I am super super super nervous to meet my family and my town and my students etc etc. I can look at these pictures all that i want but i literally have NO clue what it will like.  I'll let y'all know! Also I don't know what my internet connection will be like but hopefully there will be at least one place in the town that i can use! oh right... there's 13000 people in Puchuncavi! This should be interesting... I'm anticipating one main street, dirt roads, being the only gringa, being the tallest person in the town and eventually knowing everyone.  oh yeah, and meeting some cowboys and becoming a rockstar at the cueca! what out!!!


More of Puchuncavi!


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